Friday, May 16, 2008

The Mini-Appley Rotten Adventures!

So my best friend and I decided to have a little outing in GG Park for some
fun picture time in the sun.

Botanical Gardens


Monday, May 12, 2008

SF Mini-Meet

Had a small meet with my best friend and John. The company was lovely and
the food was fun and tasty! Look a the Licca B/F (Wataru) who followed us!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

SF Blythe Meet (May 2008)

SF Blythe Meet May 3rd 2008
Everyone met up at a local Belgium Fries shop, then we proceeded
to go to Dolores Park. Unfortunately we realized there were Cinco De Mayo
festivities occurring. But, it was alright. We got a lovely view of SF as well
as meeting our friend, Linda from GA. She came and put up with us silly Blythers in CA.



Flickr Images of My Travels in BLYTHEDOM!!!!